The Nevada Cooperator Mechanical Specifications
Ads may be submitted on CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R or DVD-RW. Submitted media must
be clearly labeled with issue date, advertiser name, contact name and telephone
number. Ads may be submitted electronically via FTP. For instructions, please contact
our Production Dept. at 212-683-5700, ext. 359.
- Hi-res PDF files (made ONLY through Acrobat Distiller) PDF files must be made
compatible with Acrobat 4.0 (PDF Version 1.3), no higher.
- Native Quark files version 7.5 or lower.
- Adobe Illustrator EPS files CS4.
Hi-res PDF distilled files must have
- All fonts embedded.
- The color mode (i.e. CMYK or Grayscale). Never RGB or LAB or embedded color
- All spot colors must be converted to CMYK unless running 2-color ads.
- OPI must never be included in the file.
- Resolution: 300 DPI for all submitted images and files.
- All images and files have a max density of 240%.
Native Quark files must have
- All supporting fonts.
- All illustrations and scans. The color mode (i.e. CMYK or Grayscale). Never RGB or
LAB or embedded color profiles.
- All spot colors must be converted to CMYK unless running 2-color ads.
- Resolution: 300 DPI for all submitted images and files.
- All images and files have a max density of 240%.
Adobe Illustrator files must have
- Illustrator files should have all fonts converted to outline.
- The color mode (i.e. CMYK or Grayscale). Never RGB or LAB or embedded color
- All spot colors must be converted to CMYK unless running 2-color ads.
- Resolution: 300 DPI for all submitted images and files.
- All images and files have a max density of 240%.
A proof should accompany each submitted ad and should be labeled with the publication,
issue date and advertiser name.
Payment and Contracts
A finance charge of 1.5% per month will be billed to all accounts over 30 days. Cancellations will not be accepted after the 20th of the month preceding publication. Cancellation contracts will be pro-rated for discounts due.
Agency Commissions
A 15% commission will be allowed for ads submitted and paid for by a recognized agency. The Chicagoland Cooperator will not pay commissions directly to agencies.